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Why see a Podiatrist?
Understand why you might need a podiatrist.

About Your Podiatry Hallett Cove and Brighton

Podiatrists are university-educated foot health professionals. They diagnose and treat specific foot and lower limb conditions including foot problems associated with diabetes and arthritis. Human beings are made up slightly different to one another, thus our bodies function and adapt differently in varied environments and activities. Podiatrists are interested in the way your lower limb and feet function. Your podiatrist will assess how your feet could possibly be contributing to your presenting pain. Whether it be in your back, hip, knee, leg, ankle or feet themselves.

If your feet are uncomfortable, your whole body lets you know!

Keep in Mind: While our feet suffer wear, they cannot be replaced like a pair of shoes. Therefore as we only have one pair of feet to last us a lifetime, It is important that we look after them!

Your Podiatry
Mia Low


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